Category: Daily Create
Daily Create 4/12/24
I think this is probably what Eleanor Roosevelt was writing on her Post-it Note before saying this famous quote. I think this is a very inspirational quote as it allows people to get out of their comfort zone.
Daily Create 4/11/24
The internet is one of the scariest places to be. Especially if you do not know what you are doing. With social media nowadays there are many creepy people hiding behind their screen due to the anonymity of the internet. As everyone should know, you should never put any personal information on the internet as…
Daily Create 4/5/24
This is a baseball card that I made. I had some trouble with making this document using safari, so I used trial and error and Google Chrome worked much better for this site. I found this daily create very cool as anyone can find this assignment fun and useful.
Daily Create 4/4/24
I think this image is pretty funny. I think it would be funny if everyone in the class received a participant handbook. Everyone is a winner in DS106, here’s a participation trophy!
Daily Create 4/3/24
My friend Dylan makes me smile each and every day. He is always happy and it is hard to not be happy around Dylan. He is very positive and loving to all of his peers. The way he makes the world light up is special.
Daily Create 3/29/24
A household chore I hate to do is making my bed every morning. In my opinion it takes too much time and does not make sense to make my bed just to mess it up again the next night. However, when a bed is made, it does feel good. I would create a game called…
Daily Create 3/28/24
Changing one letter can change the whole outcome of the sentence. Especially when it comes to books, it can change everything. I could not think of a letter change that would drastically change a book. However, to twist the topic a tad, I decided to change a whole word to a book title. “Diary of…
Daily Create 3/20/24
Finish the prompt.. A witch smokes a cigarette in a city. She is thinking about the letter “C”. There is a hobbit standing right behind her… She is blind and is unable to sense the hobbit behind her. I found this daily create interesting as I was able to be creative and finish the sentence…
Daily Create 3/18/24
I made this picture using the bead art lab on I found this website very fun and used other images just to see what they looked like for fun. I enjoyed this website and I recommend it to everyone.
Daily Create 3/22/24
This is the modern version of a bicycle that I am envisioning for the future. I looked up on the internet “bicycle with turbo”. This bike can go speeds up to 50 miles per hour and will be a very efficient way of travel in the future.